Instrumental hip-hop

A talented group of young writers and poets at a high school in Wellington, FL write to and have performed slam poetry along with instrumental hip-hop. A fan of this genre myself (see my post about Blue Sky Black Death’s Noir), I listened to some of their suggestions and it has inspired me to do a number of album posts in this genre. Instrumental hip-hop utilizes samples (pieces from other songs) along with beats. Currently, a lot of what you find in this genre has jazz influences, a move I can appreciate.

Below is a favorite from that class by the group BluntedBeatz:

Check back to the home page soon for instrumental hip-hop. The steady beats will help poets with meter and rhythm and will help writers get into that trance-like, thoughtful place we work hard to find when we write.

Until then, I present an artist that is big in this scene, called Nujabes. His work is a mix of instrumental tracks and those with lyrics so browse his Youtube page. Below are some of his tracks looped for an hour, called a ‘Homework Edit’. Check them out:

“Perfect Circle”
