2015 January

Write To – the works of Don Kenn

Don Kenn (John Kenn Mortensen) is a Danish artist who draws monsters on post-it notes.  The drawings are truly creepy and they feel as if pulled from child’s unsettling dreamscape.  Check out  his wonderful art here at his personal gallery!  

What if adults never stopped acting like children?

I was at the bank’s ATM today when a mother opened the bank’s doors and out came her six or seven year-old doing karate chops and kicks at the air, making all the appropriate “HEE-A!” noises. That got me thinking while I waited my turn at the ATM (the guy at it might have been doing […]

Write To – Photography by Christopher McKenney

Photography by artist Christopher McKenney. Check out his artfully haunting gallery here: http://www.christophermckenney.com/   Christopher McKenney – Work  

Origins of this site

I’ve always written to music. It helps put me in a creative place and before I know it me and the keyboard are moving right along to the tracks in my headphones. Over a decade ago, before I studied Creative Writing in college, I had been a Music Composition major with the hopes of one day becoming a […]