Soundtracks for the Road

Soundtracks for the Road – Mad Max: Fury Road

For a movie that can be summed up as one long, incredible car chase, Mad Max: Fury Road has a soundtrack that fits dangerously well into your commute. I say dangerous because these are not pleasant, hum-along tracks but rather bouts of intense percussion, strings, and electronic pounding that should be used cautiously in your car, […]

Soundtracks for the Road – Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

John Williams did for the Harry Potter franchise the same he did for Star Wars: created a household identity with his music. The primary melody, played on glockenspiel, is instantly recognizable and immediately conjures something magical in your imagination. For his third and final entry on the films, John Williams created new and exciting music […]

Soundtracks for the Road

Summer is approaching and soon many will embark on road trips across the states. On every great road trip, of course, is great music to listen to as the lines in the road move by. One year, two of my friends and I travelled from Central Florida to Ohio, only to realize we had one […]